Between Truth and Belief: Understanding Dave Troy's Exploration of Social Capital
Deciphering the complex impact of disinformation on networked societies.

Deciphering the complex impact of disinformation on networked societies.
Sometimes I really wonder what the point of doing this job is. False claims that you'd debunked at least several times in the past reappear, and go even more viral than the previous occasions.
Social media has driven us to disregard facts and believe what we want to believe.— Shayan Sardarizadeh (@Shayan86) May 7, 2023
Independent investigative journalist Dave Troy recently responded to BBC Journalist Shayan Sardarizadeh's heartfelt tweet with an intriguing draft of his work-in-progress aptly named, "Disinformation and its effects on social capital networks".
This piece piqued my interest significantly, and I am excited to delve into a discussion about it with you today.
Outlined in some detail here. Social topology is the issue.
— Dave Troy (@davetroy) May 7, 2023
In a thought-provoking treatise on the insidious nature of disinformation, Troy dives deep into the social fabric that binds society together: social capital.
In an era ripe with misinformation, Troy's illuminating exploration of the social underpinnings of belief systems and their manipulation presents a fresh perspective on one of the most pressing issues of our time.
At the heart of Troy's examination is the idea of social capital: the invisible currency of relationships that forms the backbone of society. In Troy's analysis, culture is not a monolithic entity, but a vibrant, complex network of relationships that define our shared experiences. The beliefs that form the bedrock of our identities are shaped and reinforced by the relationships within these networks.
Troy paints an intriguing picture of cults as pathological network configurations, defined by their prioritization of group interests over societal good. These cult-like networks can be damaging and have severe societal implications, especially when they serve as conduits for disinformation.
Contrary to the popular notion of a 'post-truth' era, Troy posits that we are instead living in an age of influence, where tools that manipulate social capital networks are utilized to create islands of discord. Disinformation and misinformation, he argues, are potent weapons that fracture social networks, fostering harmful relationships based on shared fallacies and driving a wedge between previously healthy connections.
Moreover, Troy challenges our understanding of information itself. He asserts that the effects of a piece of information on human targets are just as crucial as its veracity. In this context, even factually accurate information can wreak havoc if it's shared with harmful intent or in a damaging context.
Troy also underscores the vulnerability of American society to these disruptive forces, particularly due to exploitable divisions along lines of urban/rural, race, and class. These divisions, he suggests, make the United States especially susceptible to social capital manipulation strategies.
The disquieting implications of this social capital disruption extend to public health and national security. A society fractured by disinformation is more likely to face health crises like addiction and depression, and is also more susceptible to external psychological operations. This vulnerability highlights the urgency of addressing this issue.
However, Troy does not leave readers without hope. He suggests that the road to recovery lies in the careful and intentional 're-growing' of social capital. This restoration, he asserts, is key to mitigating the effects of disinformation and bridging societal divisions.
Much like a forest after a fire, society too can be nursed back to health with a purposeful and imaginative restoration of its social fabric.
To summarize Troy's key points:
Troy asserts that culture operates as a network, where relationships between individuals and cultural entities form the basis of our shared experiences. This network is underpinned by social capital, which can be understood as the value derived from relationships.
Beliefs, according to the author, are inherently social and significantly influenced by the individuals around us. These beliefs help shape our identity, which in turn further reinforces our beliefs. The rejection of these beliefs equates to a rejection of one's identity, explaining why changing deeply-held beliefs can be challenging.
Troy suggests that cults can be seen as a pathological network configuration, defined by their pursuit of in-group interests over those of society. These 'cultish' networks can prove harmful and can potentially lead to societal harm, such as in the case of disinformation networks.
The author challenges the notion that we live in a 'post-truth' era, suggesting instead that we live in an age of influence, where tools to alter social capital networks are used to create "islands of dissensus."
Disinformation and misinformation are portrayed as damaging societal network structures, leading to the creation of harmful social capital between people sharing false beliefs. Radicalization, in turn, is seen as a process of altering social capital, often resulting in the creation of 'unhealthy' social relationships and the destruction of 'healthy' ones.
The truthfulness of information is not the only thing that matters; we must also consider also its effects on networked human targets. This means that even accurate information can have harmful effects if it is used with harmful intent or in a harmful context.
Troy points out that the societal divisions (urban/rural, race, class) in the United States are too easily exploitable, making the US particularly vulnerable to social capital manipulation strategies.
The author argues that the pathological configuration of social capital contributes to public health issues like addiction and depression and poses national security concerns. The influence of disinformation can lead to societal instability and make populations more susceptible to external psychological operations.
Troy suggests that rebuilding social capital is crucial in mitigating the impacts of disinformation, radicalization, and societal divisions. He suggests this should be done in purposeful and imaginative ways, much like 're-growing' a forest after a fire.
In all, Troy offers an insightful exploration of a complex and timely issue.
His work is a clarion call for understanding the social nature of belief systems and the importance of maintaining healthy social capital networks in the face of disinformation and societal fragmentation.
Thank you for reading.